Provincial COVID-19 Update: Add/Drop Deadline, Advocacy Updates

Dear SAMRU member,

I’m sure by now that most of you have heard that the province has declared a state of emergency and stricter pandemic restrictions are once again in place. Your SAMRU representatives have been advocating for students’ best interests to the MRU administration as well as to the faculty and staff associations to ensure student needs are considered when decisions are being made. When urgent matters like new pandemic restrictions are announced, we are in contact with the right people no matter the time of day.

As a result of your SAMRU representatives’ advocacy over the past 24 hours, we were able to have the deadline to drop classes extended to September 30th! You can learn more about this announcement on MRU’s website. While the add date will remain as September 17th, the drop date, along with the fee deadline, has been extended to September 30, 2021

We are also planning to hold a live streamed town hall in the very near future to answer some questions and respond to concerns students raised. If you have specific questions for your representatives, please submit them here. Look out for another email shortly with more details about the town hall.

While we continue to advocate on your behalf, make sure you stay up-to-date on MRU’s latest COVID-19 updates here and, above all else, we encourage you to get vaccinated if you’re able, and keep yourself and others safe. 

We understand that there are still a lot of questions to be answered around what next week and the remainder of the semester will look like. Please email us with your questions and concerns so that we can ensure your voice is heard in these decisions.

If you or someone you know is struggling, resources are available to you:

SAMRU Peer Support Centre

Mount Royal University Mental Health/Counselling
(403) 440-6326

Calgary Distress Centre
(403) 266-HELP (4357)