SAMRU Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Are you interested in how SAMRU is run or simply want to learn about the developments and direction your Students’ Association will be taking over the next year? Whatever your interest may be, we invite you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM). It’s not an exaggeration to say this is the most crucial day of the year in regard to SAMRU’s operations as we determine our next set of auditors and elected student representatives. Plus, you’ll get a $15 Wyckham House food court voucher just for attending and be entered to win one of three $500 cash prizes!

You’ll get to witness the future of student advocacy live, as the next iteration of the Representation Executive Council (REC) will reveal your new President, VP Academic, VP External, and VP Student Affairs before your very eyes. How exciting!

Additionally, we will be electing a new round of Student Governors, the highest decision-making body of SAMRU, who determine the executive operations of your Students’ Association.

The AGM will take place virtually over Zoom on March 27 at 7:30 pm. For election-related inquiries, reach out to

To register to attend the AGM, sign up at the Zoom link here:

Register here

The event is finished.


Mar 27 2024


7:30 pm


Online Event
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