Sikh Student Affiliation

In Representation by Amy Wong

Sikh Student Affiliation



Our club encourages students to develop their leadership skills while learning about the different facets of the Sikh faith in an open, all-inclusive, non-judgmental and fun environment. Being able to provide Sikh students and the broader MRU community with an insight into the lives of Sikhs and their history. This club will not only support Sikh students but will inspire others to come and join to create a greater difference in our local community to change the lives of those less fortunate than us.

Club Mission

Sikh Student Affiliation at Mount Royal University serves as the main base for students to learn and become more engaged in Sikhi.


Jazmin Singh Kaur President 
Ekager Kaur Rahil Co-Vice President 
Primvir Kaur Khosa Co-Vice President