Your student governing board

Get to know your Student Governing Board and Representation Executive Council

Do you know how your Students’ Association is structured?

No, we don’t mean literally, although we do love to pay homage to the past with the brick outline of the original pre-2008 renovation of Wyckham House. We’re talking about the organizational structure of SAMRU, including your Student Governing Board (SGB) and Representation Executive Council (REC).

Don’t worry, there’s no quiz on this later. It’s more so to explain that a majority of the SAMRU operations are run by you, the students! Elected students, mind you, all of whom you vote for every year in March (stay tuned for more info as we get closer to election season). But what exactly do these positions undertake, and what distinguishes them from each other?

Keep scrolling through to learn all about the structure of your Students’ Association, including more about your Student Governing Board (SGB) and Representation Executive Council (REC), as well as how each group helps you succeed during your time at MRU.

Meet your Student Governing Board

The top of your Students’ Association’s hierarchy isn’t the Speaker, your Representation Executive Council (REC), or SAMRU’s Executive Director — it’s actually the Student Governing Board (SGB). Among other things, the Board approves the SAMRU budget, recommends to the membership which bylaws should be changed or added, and approves what strategic direction SAMRU will take. It is also composed of credit students elected or appointed by and from the membership—that’s you!

Your student governing board
Your SAMRU Student Governing Board is the highest decision making power in the organization.

Members of the Board include:

  • 14 elected and appointed student governor positions, each with a single vote. These members are tasked with making high-level decisions and providing strategic direction.
  • 3 Officers who are also ex-officio members who do not vote: the Board Speaker, the SAMRU REC President, and the SAMRU Executive Director.

The SGB holds two monthly committee meetings: the Agenda and Governance Committee and the Accountability Committee. The Agenda and Governance Committee is responsible for supporting and guiding the governance functions of the Students’ Association and the Board. The Accountability Committee is responsible for overseeing and evaluating the performance of the Board’s direct employees, including the Students’ Association Executive Director, the Representation Executive Council (REC), and the Board Speaker, holding them accountable for their work results pursuant to the SAMRU Bylaws.

Get familiar with your Representation Executive Council

The SGB isn’t the only student group looking to improve the MRU student experience – SAMRU’s Representation Executive Council (REC) is comprised of four students, selected by the Student Governing Board (SGB) and elected by students to serve the interests of all SAMRU members. From issues on campus all the way to the federal government, REC is the frontline for all things student advocacy.

From issues on campus all the way to the federal government, REC is the frontline for all things student advocacy

Members of the Representation Executive Council include:

  • SAMRU REC President 
  • SAMRU REC Vice-President Academic
  • SAMRU REC Vice-President External
  • SAMRU REC Vice-President Student Affairs

REC is responsible for SAMRU’s student representation on committees, dealing with topics such as tuition and academic policies, government lobbying, and external relations. They are employed full-time in their respective roles for a year, which means every day involves advocacy and representation dedicated to improving the student experience at MRU.

So what’s the difference?

The Board deliberates policies and strategic priorities that best serve the members of SAMRU but does not handle day-to-day operations except in matters directly related to Board governance. Instead, it delegates the implementation of these policies to Students’ Association’s employees like the SAMRU Representation Executive Council and the Executive Director, trusting them to execute them to the best of their abilities. 

The Board then reviews reports to assess whether the policies and strategic priorities have achieved their intended outcomes and determines if any further adjustments are necessary.

REC, on the other hand, advocates for students on Board-approved priorities and creates REC position statements based on these annually. You can check out the current year’s priorities at this link.

The SAMRU REC President attends Board meetings, but they don’t have a vote. However, the REC President fully participates in board discussions, providing valuable insight and input. Non-voting status ensures that the board retains control over strategic direction while the representation executive focuses on execution.

Stay tuned to our social media to stay up to date with everything your Student Governing Board and Representation Executive Council are doing, from important decisions to exciting events!

Do you feel like contributing to your Students’ Association, along with receiving a few sweet perks (including a free class each semester)? You might be a perfect fit to serve as a Student Governor! Board members are elected annually at SAMRU’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). If you’re a credit student, you’re eligible to run! Stay tuned in the winter semester for your opportunity to put your name forward.

Think you’d be the perfect fit to serve as a student representative for the issues that impact you the most? REC applications open on November 1, 2024! Be sure to check our website and social media for more details when the application period officially begins.

If you have any questions regarding the Board, email us at

For questions regarding REC, send us a message at

For general inquiries, you can reach out to us at