How to Make the Most of Your SAMRU Membership

Are you a credit student at Mount Royal? Well, congrats! You’re officially a member of the Students’ Association of Mount Royal University (SAMRU)!
However, there’s more to your membership than that sweet sense of camaraderie being amongst your peers. There are numerous perks in the palm of your hand (and around campus)! So whether you’re entering your first semester or beginning your final year, here is how to make the most out of your SAMRU membership.
Centres at your service
Throughout Wyckham House, there are numerous community and support centres across the building for you to take advantage of. All credit students have access to the services and programs in Wyckham House, ranging from the Pride Centre, Clubhouse, and the student-favourite Nap Room. The best part? They’re free of charge to access for members!
These centres are open weekdays from 9 am – 4 pm, excluding holidays, so whether you’re looking to rack up some volunteer hours, connect with some new people, or are killing time in between classes, come by and take a walk around to explore what is offered to you!
You can find out more about each centre and where to find them here.
Ensure you benefit from your health benefits
Whether you hope to get some dental work done or need to snag a new pair of frames, SAMRU has got you covered – literally. Being a SAMRU member grants you annual coverage for health insurance claims. So, if you’re in need of some physio or need a prescription refilled, make use of these allocated funds.
To access these benefits easily, you can apply for the myBenefits card. This card ensures you pay only for your co-portion of your visit’s cost at Wyckham House health centres instead of requiring you to submit a receipt for reimbursement.
Conveniently, SAMRU has three easily-accessible health centres in the basement of Wyckham House: Wyckham Pharmacy (Room Z004), Dental Choice (Room Z006), and Old Street Optometry (Room Z007). However, you can take advantage of your health and dental benefits outside of campus as well!
If you happen to have comparable health benefits from another provider, you may be eligible to opt out and get your SAMRU health coverage deposit refunded. Don’t procrastinate, as the final deadline for opting out is coming up on September 29!
Party on at free events this year
You heard us right! Being a SAMRU member also gives you access to numerous events and parties on campus to help make the most of university life outside the classroom.
Being a SAMRU member gets you admission to all of the hottest events, ranging from favourites like Wycked House Party and Sex Toy Bingo, to Live Music Thursdays in West Gate Social, and Crafternoon in the Pride Centre.
Make sure you never miss out on the latest events, check out our Events Calendar!
Focus on your studies, not food and financial insecurity!
If you happen to be struggling with the expenses of living or just forgot to bring your lunch with you today, we’ve got your back. The Peer Support Centre in Wyckham House is the home for free breakfast, our main Care Cupboard, food bank referrals, and more. Pro tip: Come by on Tuesdays, and you can even score some delicious bread and pastries courtesy of Cobs Bread!
Additionally, there are five other Care Cupboards located across campus to help provide you with a snack – free of charge. No matter your situation, feel free to access them or pick something up for a friend!
To find a list of Care Cupboard locations, check out our cupboard map below and click to learn more here.
If you or someone you know is struggling financially, SAMRU offers emergency bursaries for students in need. Whether it be for emergency student loans or an unexpected housing crisis, you can reach out to SAMRU for support. You can contact the Peer Support Centre confidentially at
Earn yourself a scholarship
Do you bleed blue and green – volunteering at events, assisting fellow students, and striving to improve campus for you and your peers? First off, give yourself a pat on the back. Second, you should be rewarded for your commitment and dedication!
Every year, SAMRU provides over $40,000 in scholarships and bursaries to those who give it all for their community both in and around campus.
Whether you’ve put in your hours volunteering in the community or know someone who has brought your Mount Royale experience to the next level, be sure to nominate either yourself or others this year!
To learn more about awards criteria and when nominations for the 2023-24 year open up, be sure to check out the SAMRU Awards page.
Make your voice heard!
Your Students’ Association is catered specifically to you, so if there are any issues or alterations you would like to see made, be sure to let us know!
The best way to make yourself heard is through your elected student representatives, the Representative Executive Council (REC) team. These fellow students are your direct advocates to both the university and government!
Have a concern or issue you’d like to bring to our attention? You can easily connect with your REC team at
Additionally, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions on how to use or expand the services at your Students’ Association, please contact us with your general inquiries at