My bus is not bussin; how do I get to campus if my bus is full?

We’ve all been there when the bus decides simply not to show up right before the lecture outlining your capstone presentation – it’s frustrating, out of your control, and an all too frequent feeling. It would be awfully convenient to skip the hassle and order an Uber, but the life of a student doesn’t usually involve the flexibility to throw caution and cash into the wind for a 20-minute trip.

But don’t lose hope! There are numerous transit options to assist you in the commute to campus. So whether your car is in the shop or your bus keeps filling up before you can board, here are some tricks to ensure you can always make it to your classes.

Don’t panic just yet. Backup is on the way!

In the fall and winter, transit routes to university stations and stops are often running more frequently at peak times in weekday mornings and afternoons to accommodate for the rush hour crowds. This means maybe your bus might be back in eight minutes instead of the regular 15. Big difference.

You can always keep up to date and inspect the annual service changes here or use the Calgary Transit Plan A Trip app to see your regular bus’ arrival times.

Break up with your bus route

But sometimes, more frequency just doesn’t cut it. If your stop keeps letting you down, don’t be afraid to break up with your bus route! 

Explore the routes in your area. Sometimes, a three-minute walk can connect you with a route with less traffic, allowing you to secure a seat rather than relying on your balance amidst the constant stops and starts of the morning rush. 

If the MAX Yellow keeps leaving you behind for someone else on Crowchild, check if there’s a Heritage 20 coming by that can save your day. The same can be said for a Northmount Drive 20 if the MAX Teal keeps filling up at the Heritage station!

While it may take an extra couple of minutes to make it to MRU, it’s better than rolling the dice with bus capacity.

A quick check of the Calgary Transit Plan A Trip app can also show you real-time updates and delays on bus and train routes in your area, letting you know if you need to change your route or even if there’s a faster trip you were previously unaware of.

It’s cool to carpool

A mode of transportation that saves time and money for all? Say no more.

One of the easiest ways to secure a trip to class is with your classmates or family, also making the commute to Mount Royal. Even if you have a friend whose class starts an hour earlier or can only drop you by a closer stop, don’t be afraid to ask if you could secure a ride down to avoid the uncertainty of city transit.

This method saves money, but make sure to slip a coffee and/or some gas money their way for their trouble.

Take advantage of the warmth

Don’t worry – we get it. Calgary gets frigid in the winter, leaving you wishing you were stuck on that overcrowded bus rather than making the fateful 20-metre trek from the stop to the heated halls of LP. 

That being said, the early fall and late spring months can bless us with weather that allows you to be outside for longer than five minutes. Try an alternative method on balmier days, like biking, skateboarding and longboarding, and e-scooters to get you around town! 

Not only are you showing off your sick ride, but you’re also saving the environment while doing so. Go you!🏆Additionally, it’ll feel pretty great to pass stand-still traffic as you roll on by. 

If you plan on riding to school, save yourself from worrying about your baby due to the ever-changing weather or your bell mysteriously going missing by purchasing a bike locker from MRU.

Share your issues with your Representative Executive Council (REC)

If you are having issues with your transit options to campus, you don’t have to voice them exclusively to your cat when you get home late past their dinner time. 

Your REC team is ready to stand with you, advocating for what is most important to you, including transit improvements like bus frequency. (Not to pat ourselves on the back too hard, but your REC did just recently succeed in advocating for more frequent MAX Yellow shuttles this Fall semester). 

Have a concern or issue you’d like to bring to our attention? You can connect with your REC team at

If you have any other transit issues that arise this semester, you can always contact us here at SAMRU at to let us know about concerns or developments happening with your commute. Happy trails!