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Your Guide on How to Take Effective Breaks and Build Better Habits

With finals season underway, you may find yourself starting to feel overwhelmed and begin to procrastinate on projects or studying because you aren’t sure where to start. When there’s so much on your plate, it can be difficult to find a balance between productivity and rest, but with a little planning and persistence, your to-do list will seem a lot more manageable!

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Stress Less: Full Schedule

In by Christina Dao

If you’re feeling stressed about your winter semester final exams and projects, check out SAMRU’s Stress Less events and resources! All Stress Less programs and activities are free, so you can refresh your body and mind without leaving campus or spending a …

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Pawrantine Pupdate with Arlo the Doggo

Your favourite #StressLess doggo, Arlo, is back! He’s definitely noticed something weird has been going on, but he’s not about to complain! While this may be an uncertain time for us “hoomans”, it’s the best for our pets who now get us …