The Complete Guide to Ratifying your Club with SAMRU

Ah, the calm respite of January. After a well-deserved break following that fall exam crunch, it’s time to get back into the swing of things with a new year of classes, projects, and friendships. But whether you’re starting your first semester or taking your final handful of core classes before you graduate, have you felt like there’s something missing?
That something might be the sweet camaraderie of a club! No matter what year of study you’re in, clubs are one of the best ways to make the most of your campus experience!
There are dozens of SAMRU clubs teeming throughout the corridors of MRU, and the potential for the next club to take the university by storm. Do you want to establish some fellowship within your program, or are you looking to locate a group that’s into chess as much as you? Look no further.
But what if there’s not a club for you? That’s nothing you and a couple of students can’t fix. So whether there’s a club niche you’ve spotted on campus or your peers are primed and ready to make the sportscar club finally happen, here’s your guide to ensure you and your group are ready to be ratified.
Treading over the basics
Creating a SAMRU club is perhaps the best option to locate your people on campus – with the Clubs Expo serving as a prime facilitator for exposure and recruitment. However, your club will need to be ratified for your group to attend.
Ratification is a relatively short but concise process, requiring you to:
- Recruit a minimum of three Signing Authorities (no more than four) and 10 members.
- Fill out the signing authority agreement, the permission of verification of student status and membership list documents.
- Create your constitution.
- Submit the ratification form and upload your documents and constitution.
- Have all Signing Authorities RSVP and attend Clubs Training (Our clubs and events Coordinator will contact your members about training once your forms are submitted).
Newly ratified clubs will also receive $300 in seed funding (re-ratifying will grant you an additional $150 each year).
Additionally, a club can’t overlap too closely with another that’s established and active on campus. While we understand there are crucial differences between different Warhammer franchises, they’d have to fall under an umbrella collective.
Unsure of the conduct you and your members have to follow? Check the latest edition of our clubs handbook so nothing catches you by surprise.
What constitutes the constitution?
Hold up! Before you submit your ratification forms, you’ll also need to account for your club’s constitution. While a constitution usually implies weeks of gruelling work, this particular process is unanimously considered much less painful than writing a federal one.
To help you along the process, we’ve even got you covered with a template. You’re only a couple dozen fill-in-the-blank answers away from becoming an official SAMRU club. With your members either in a room or Zoom call, you can complete the constitution in less than 10 minutes!
Garnering a following
The SAMRU Winter Semester Clubs Expo will be taking place on January 16 and 17 from 10 am until 2 pm on Main Street, allowing you to mingle and connect with fellow students who share mutual interests on campus! With over 60 ratified clubs, there’s no shortage of variety among interest groups. The best part, if you see a niche that’s missing, you now know how to change that 😉.
But without an existing club already established and ratified, it can be hard to get the word out.
Unsure of how to spread the word about your club-to-be? You can seek out new members in our Discord, where we’ve dedicated a channel to helping students locate others with similar passions.
Finally, you can link your social media profiles and Discord servers to the Clubs Directory while you’re ratifying your club!
You’re looking ready to be ratified 🤙
Looking over this list, does your future club look less like a twinkle in your eye and more like a bunch of completed checkmarks? You might just be ready to be ratified!
Once you’ve prepared all your forms, you can submit them on the SAMRU Clubs Page, and our clubs coordinator will get in touch within a couple of business days. We can’t wait to see you and your peers together on campus this semester! 🥳
Clubs Expo
Now that you’re ratified, you’re all ready to market your club to the campus world at the Clubs Expo. This is the perfect opportunity to reach students who were unaware of your club, and grow your collective! Your peers will also be voting on the best display, and the winning club will get a free rental of West Gate Social!
For any club-related questions or for more information on signing up for this semester’s Clubs Expo, you can always contact our club coordinator at!
For general inquiries, you can always send us a message to