
Looking for work? When you think about your dream job, do you imagine yourself working for an organization that is progressive, dynamic, flexible and relevant to students’ lives?

Welcome to the Students’ Association of Mount Royal University! We are committed to enhancing students’ lives in a meaningful way by delivering high-quality services, leadership, advocacy and support. We represent and serve students to help them succeed.

Join us and thrive!


Full-time Student Representative Positions

SAMRU Representation Executive Council positionsDeadline
SAMRU REC PresidentJanuary 31, 2024
SAMRU REC Vice-President AcademicJanuary 31, 2024
SAMRU Vice-President ExternalJanuary 31, 2024
SAMRU REC Vice-President Student AffairsJanuary 31, 2024

Full-time Staff Positions

Full Time PositionsDeadline
Contract Communications & Marketing ManagerApplications will be accepted until the position is filled

Part-Time/Contract Positions

Part-Time/Contract PositionsDeadline
Advocacy Resource and Support AdministratorAccepting applications until a suitable candidate is found
Pride Centre AdministratorAccepting applications until a suitable candidate is found
REAC Indigenous Representation AmbassadorSubmit cover letter with a resume by August 31, 2024

Non-SAMRU Opportunities


Interested in volunteering?

Check out samru.ca/volunteer for current opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities