Student Governing Board

The Student Governing Board (SGB) is collectively the highest decision-making body of the organization, comprised of students elected or appointed by and from the membership.

The SGB consists of 14 elected and appointed positions, each with a single vote, as well as 3 ex-officio members who do not have a vote: the Board Speaker, the Representation Executive Council (REC) President and the SAMRU Executive Director. The REC and the Executive Director advise the board in the areas of representation (REC) and operations and finance (Executive Director).

The SGB hires four students in a full-time capacity to represent and advocate on behalf of all students, and an Executive Director who hires and oversees staff to run the operations of the Students' Association (member services, administration, communications, finance, the student centre).

Get Involved
Governor bios

Get Involved with the Student Governing Board!

Are you a student interested in learning more about the Student Governing Board? To learn about current opportunities available or for information on observing an upcoming Student Governing Board meeting, send us an email!

Governor Position Description

Become a Student Governor

Applications are open for the 2025-26 term! The Board meets two Mondays a month, with additional volunteering as needed. Tuition and fees are paid for one course per semester (up to three credits)! No experience is necessary and free training is provided. Submit your application by March 1st, 2025 at 4:30 pm!

Governor Position Description
Apply Now!

Board Meeting Minutes

Governor Profiles


Jayden Baldonado

Student Governor

Angel Castillo

Student Governor

Abiola Famakinwa

Student Governor

Tristalyn GiVogue

Student Governor

Gordy Ha

Student Governor

Rafael Hernandez Alarcon

Student Governor

Kyle Joseph

Student Governor

Alexander Khan

Student Governor

Rodney Omoku

Student Governor

Reggie San Jose

Student Governor

Maddox Nelles

Board Speaker