
You're here to get a degree, of course, but don't miss out on opportunities to develop skills, create new experiences, and pursue your interests outside the classroom!
Don't miss out on opportunities to develop skills, create new experiences, and pursue your interests outside the classroom!

Research shows that students who are involved tend to be more successful and feel more fulfilled and connected to their university. SAMRU offers a variety of co-curricular opportunities for students to connect with each other and enhance their university experiences.

Join a club or start your own! Find employment with your students' association. Volunteer with SAMRU. Join the Student Governing Board. Attend one of our many programs. There's a lot to do outside of class and SAMRU can help you find what's right for you!

welcome to samru


Apart from the Post-Secondary Learning Act, SAMRU’s most important governing document is our bylaws. The bylaws can only be approved or changed by Special Resolution at any annual or special general meeting of SAMRU. Regular review of our bylaws and operating policies ensures that we remain relevant and accountable to our members.

View the most current version (2021) of SAMRU’s bylaws.

2021 SAMRU bylaws