Fundrace Flurry

Welcome to the Fundrace Flurry!
SAMRU’s seasonal fundraiser to support MRU students during a financially stressful time of year-- the holidays! Get ready to race your fellow MRU campus community members as your team attempts to raise the most donations for the SAMRU Peer Support Centre. The Peer Support Centre provides many critical services for Mount Royal students including, but not limited to, food and financial security programs.

Fundraising begins November 1st, 2021 and runs until December 10th (EXTENDED). Want to compete in a team? Make sure to register your team into the fund-race on Canada Helps by December 3rd!

How it Works

Corral your coworkers, faculties, and/or departments and create a team to compete in the fundraiser! Each team will select and customize a mascot for their team (choice of polar bear, reindeer, white rabbit, seal, or penguin) and a unique name for their team/mascot. Check out all the mascot customizations here. Download your own or email for a jpeg.

Individuals who are not on a team may donate to a team of their choice online or to the general fundraiser in-person or online.

Sign up now!

SAMRU will be using the charitable website Canada Helps ( to facilitate this fundraiser. Team captains will be able to set up their own team page, manage team fundraising goals, and more. Team captains will also find fundraising tools and resources to increase their fundraising success.
