Pawrantine Pupdate with Arlo the Doggo

Your favourite #StressLess doggo, Arlo, is back! He’s definitely noticed something weird has been going on, but he’s not about to complain! While this may be an uncertain time for us “hoomans”, it’s the best for our pets who now get us 24/7!! See how Arlo’s “pawrantine” has been going so far…

Pawrantine Pupdate: March 16, 8:34 am

The hoomans are home again today even though it’s Monday. Much excite. If I goodest boi, meybe they stay home again tomorro. I make zero sudden moves.

Pawrantine Pupdate: March 17, 9:57 am

I was goodest boi. I kno becuz hoomans are home today! It is almost ten and they r still in bed. Lazy hoomans.

Pawrantine Pupdate: March 19, 2:03 pm

Hmm. Hooman is still home but not giving me much attention… they keep talking into their hekkin shiny rectangles. Hooman sey we “flattening the curve” by staying home but methinks my curves are pawfect the way they are!

Pawrantine Pupdate: March 20, 10:31 am

The hooman is still with me at home because they doing something called “social distancing”. Ha! Fat chance, hooman. You know the rooles don’t apply to furry boys lik me!

Pawrantine Pupdate: March 21, 11:53 am

Hooman says I can’t see my furriends right now. Guess I talk into shiny rectangle too now? Hi Winston!

Pawrantine Pupdate: March 23, 4:18 pm

Hoomans taking me to park lots but not many other hoomans to pet me. Hooman said sunshine and fresh air is good for us but I don’t see much point if I’m not getting lots of pets. Doing me a bamboozle.

Pawrantine Pupdate: March 24, 3:22 pm

The hoomans came home with so many yummy snacks!! I try not to eat all in one day BUT I WANT TO EAT ALL!! Freshman 15? More like Pawrantine 15. Heh.