REC Advocacy Updates: March 2023

Hello MRU students,

In this post, we want to let you know about the highlights of our advocacy work from March 2023.

SAMRU’s Representation Executives Council, or REC, is comprised of four MRU students just like you who were elected by MRU’s student body and hired by SAMRU’s Student Governing Board to represent student issues to MRU and all levels of government. Keep reading to hear what your team has been up to last month! 


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Updates
Program and Policy Changes at MRU
Get Out The Vote Campaign a Success
Transportation Advocacy
MRU Budget Decision
Government and External Stakeholders
Wi-Fi Improvements on Campus

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

  • In conversations with MRU about rules around OneCard replacements, SAMRU REC President, Joseph, advocated for free replacements for transgendered students who are legally changing their name, and free replacements for Indigenous and international students to change to their preferred name. Joseph also indicated that these students should not need to share their stories or give reasons for the name change. 
  • Joseph advocated to MRU for a plan to address the lack of all-gender washrooms on campus and for more signage for the current ones in existence. Specifically, he mentioned the need for an all-gender washroom in the EB building (there are currently none) and for one to be included in the Old Library renovation that’s ongoing.
  • SAMRU REC VP Academic, Yasmin, advocated for Muslim students to receive accommodations for any exams during Iftar time, such as the ability to defer or to have 15 additional minutes added to their exam time in order to break fast and come back to finish their exam.
  • In a meeting with MRU Student Affairs, Yasmin advocated for a study room to be allocated as a multi-faith room in the Riddell Library, so that students who are studying can continue to observe their faith when Lincoln Park is closed.
  • In a meeting with MRU’s Executive Director of Student Affairs, Joseph advocated for more ramps and elevators for students with disabilities navigating through campus and also advocated for MRU to provide social programs that support students with autism, such as community groups and social events. 

Program and Policy Changes at MRU

  • At MRU’s General Faculties Council (GFC) meeting where academic decisions at MRU are made, Joseph and Yasmin voted in favour of new policies to help guide responsible conduct when doing research.
    • On the topic of research at MRU, Yasmin told the committee in charge of developing MRU’s next Academic Plan that the report summarizing their consultation process was missing valuable feedback from students regarding the importance of student-led undergraduate research.
  • At the same GFC meeting, Joseph and Yasmin voted in favour of approving a long list of new programs, minors, and program changes. Highlights include a new minor in Law and Governance and a new minor in Data Analytics. 
  • Yasmin advocated to various key people at MRU that nursing students should have multiple opportunities in the school year to be able to register for their third-year adult health block courses.

Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Campaign a Success!

  • Our goal was to gather 1000 pledges to vote in the upcoming Alberta provincial election, and we have surpassed that! Highlights:
    • Gave away 600 Glamorgan Bakery doughnuts in exchange for pledges.
    • Talked to students throughout campus (did you spot GOTV Coordinator Ryan dressed as a leprechaun?), giving away over 150 $10 gift certificates for the Wyckham House food court.
    • Conducted classroom visits, talking to approximately 15-30 students each time.
    • Facilitated grand prize draw for five winners to win one of five $20 gift cards to West Gate Social.
  • Although we have reached our campaign goal, please consider pledging to receive more information about the election at 

Transportation Advocacy

  • In a meeting with the MRU director in charge of transportation issues, Joseph advocated that MRU needs to push the city to provide reliable, updated communication with transit changes. He also mentioned that the Max Yellow is still overcrowded and students are being left behind at stops. Joseph also advocated for increased safety at transit stops and for those who park on campus to reduce theft/crime. Finally, Joseph advocated that MRU needs to create a way for students to see how many parking spots are available in each lot. 

MRU Budget Decision

  • At the MRU Board of Governors meeting, Joseph voted against approving the institution’s budget for 2023-2024 due to increased tuition and fees. For a full update, visit our blog on MRU’s 2023-2024 budget

Government and External Stakeholders

  • Joseph and the SAMRU Student Indigenous Ambassador, Mark, travelled to Halifax for the Canadian Alliance of Students’ Associations (CASA)’s annual general meeting (AGM). SAMRU is a member of CASA, which is a student-run federal advocacy group, and the AGM wrapped up this year’s work. CASA had a successful and productive year advocating to make life better for students in Canada. Visit this link to learn more.
  • Mark also travelled to Edmonton to attend the Alberta Chamber of Commerce’s Political Day of Action event. Mark had the opportunity to discuss student issues and Indigenous issues with Alberta government ministers and the premier. 

Wi-Fi Improvements on Campus

  • In a meeting with MRU’s Student Affairs division, Joseph advocated for internet connectivity that is campus-wide, fast, reliable and consistent. He specifically noted the West Gate area, Wyckham House, and The Table as having weak/no Wi-Fi.

Thanks for reading!

We, your REC members, are employed in our respective roles full-time over twelve months, which means that every day is full of advocacy and representation happening behind the scenes, dedicated to improving your student experience at MRU. 
Keep your eyes open for updates, statements, and more on these and other upcoming initiatives on social media by following the SAMRU REC Twitter @SAMRUREC. If you have questions, email us at You can also visit this link to learn more about this year’s REC members, view updated position descriptions of each member of REC, as well as learn how to potentially become an elected student representative yourself!