SAMRU voicing student complaints about transit changes

In the last few days, several students have voiced concerns that came in through SAMRU’s complaints email account. However, there has been some misinformation circulating on campus, so we’d like to clarify a couple of things:

  1. As we understand, Calgary Transit is not ending all bus stops on campus. They have assured us that bus service to the West Gate bus loop beside Wyckham House will remain the same.
  2. We should also clarify that SAMRU is a separate organization from MRU and, as such, doesn’t collect the $151.15 UPass fee from students. Instead, MRU administers the UPass program and collects that fee on behalf of Calgary Transit. Similarly, transit service on campus is not within SAMRU’s control but is dealt with through MRU’s parking office.

Having clarified that, we want our members to know that we appreciate them taking the time to provide feedback. The concerns we’re hearing are important and SAMRU is here to help. SAMRU’s Representation Executive Council (REC) represents and lobbies to advance students’ interests to external agencies, governments and other bodies — including MRU. SAMRU’s REC President is responding to all complaints personally and sharing students’ feedback directly with Calgary Transit and the MRU administration.

It may also be helpful for students to connect directly with Calgary Transit either through their website, through their twitter account, and/or to speak directly to a transit representative when they return to campus in December and again in January. We hope that direct student feedback combined with the complaints being voiced by your student representatives will change MRU’s perspective and ultimately influence Calgary Transit’s decision.

If you’d like to meet with one your student representatives to discuss your concerns in more detail, please contact them to arrange a time for to meet.

For more information, contact:
Shayla Breen
President, SAMRU Representation Executive Council
Phone: (403) 440-6993