The future is now! What to expect at this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Look at that, we’re already halfway through March! The snow is melting and warm temperatures are finally beginning to return as we approach the end of winter, as well as the end of the Winter semester! But as the school year begins to wind down, we’ve got some important business to take care of at SAMRU. That’s right, it’s time for SAMRU’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).

What’s the AGM?

Are you interested in how SAMRU is run or simply want to learn about the developments and direction your Students’ Association will be taking over the next year? No matter how involved you are with SAMRU, you will be impacted by what happens at the AGM. It’s not an exaggeration to say this is the most crucial day of the year in regard to SAMRU’s operations as we elect our next group of Student Governors and Representatives. 

This virtual Annual General Meeting will be held over Zoom on March 27 at 7:30 pm. While this may seem like a ton of change to cram into a single night, we’ve condensed the entire AGM down to an approximate hour of compact, rapid-fire announcements – sort of like a speedy version of the Oscars without any annoying four-minute commercial breaks before each announcement.

But there’s far more than just operations on the itinerary, so stick with us as we highlight what you can expect at this year’s Annual General Meeting.

The future of student representation is now!

To start the night strong, witness the future of student advocacy live, as the next iteration of the Representation Executive Council (REC) will reveal your new REC President, REC VP Academic, REC VP External, and REC VP Student Affairs before your very eyes. 

Remember, these are positions voted on by the student body, so be sure to get out and review their platforms and make your voice heard when polls open on March 27. You can also meet with your representation hopefuls (and score some free food) at the REC Candidate Meet and Greet on March 26 from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm in Wyckham House.

Results will quickly be tallied and announced the next day! Keep your eyes glued to our socials for a breakdown of the elections, including in-depth highlights of their campaign and advocacy goals for the coming year.

REC members are elected to serve as full-time student representatives, which means every day is full of advocacy and representation happening behind the scenes, dedicated to improving your student experience at MRU. You can learn more about your REC here.

A new set of Student Governors

This AGM, we won’t only be unveiling our new year of elected student representatives. SAMRU will also be announcing a new round of Student Governors! Members of the Student Governing Board (SGB) are the highest decision-making body of SAMRU, and determine the executive operations of your Students’ Association. 

Similar to REC members, your SGB is elected to their positions during the three-day campaign period prior to the AGM. Ensure you study their platforms and let your Students’ Association know who you believe should be calling the shots for you!

Learn more about the Student Governing Board and read about their past meetings and rulings here.

A whole new set of bylaws

Before you start to question “new bylaws!?,” don’t worry, you’re in charge of what passes! While these are strictly operational, and odds are you won’t have to deal with them unless you’re an elected student representative at some point, we look to our member’s opinions to decide how we are run — and our internal bylaws are no different.

If you want to see how the operational back-end of SAMRU will change heading into the 2024/25 school year, check out our latest revision of bylaw protocols on our governance page once they’ve been announced for the 2024/25 year.

If you have questions about SAMRU’s bylaws, please reach out to

When and where to vote at the AGM

This year, we’ve made the voting process as quick and painless as possible. Voting will be held both on our website and at an in-person voting station on March 27.

SAMRU recognizes that the scheduling of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 7:30 pm on March 27, 2024 may conflict with some members’ religious obligations for partaking in observing Ramadan. 

As such, any credit student unable to attend the AGM for religious reasons may submit a request for religious accommodation to still participate in voting for the Student Governing Board and Representation Executive Council elections by completing this form to register for advanced voting.

Did someone say fabulous prizes?

While the AGM might be all about how your Students’ Association plans to operate and advocate for you and your peers, we still think you deserve a little something for showing up to the most significant day of the year for SAMRU. 

You knew we wouldn’t leave you hanging. For attending this year’s AGM, you’ll receive a $15 food court voucher good for any establishment in Wyckham House that’s not named INS Market or West Gate Social. It’s actually that easy.

But wait, is that the sound of a huge cash prize raffle? We’re unsure how you managed to decipher that, but you’d be correct! After you attend an hour of elections and bylaws, you’ll be entered to win one of three $500 cash prizes. All you have to do is show up. The three winners will be randomly selected throughout the night and announced at the end of the meeting, so be sure to stay for the full AGM to ensure you get that bag.💰

Hey Clubs, you didn’t think we wouldn’t include you in the action either! Clubs who register to bring their members will be awarded handsomely, with the group sporting the most concurrent member attendees winning a fabulous prize of $500. Second place and third place will each receive a nifty $250 and $100, respectively.

You’ve intrigued me. Where do I register?

Now that you’re up to speed on what’s going down at the AGM, all you have to do is witness the magic live. The AGM will be held over Zoom, so be sure to register in advance. To save your seat at SAMRU’s most important night of the year, register here.

Just be sure to sign up with your email address to ensure you’ll be permitted entry.

Whether it’s your first year at MRU or you’re a seasoned student around campus, we hope you take some time to review and have your voice heard on this year’s operations.

Should any questions arise regarding the AGM or the election process, don’t hesitate to send us an email at For general inquiries, you can reach out to us at