Volunteer with your elected representatives: REC Volunteer Applications are now open!

Hello MRU students,

Are you looking for an opportunity to get involved with your Representation Executive Council (REC) team while simultaneously gaining relevant representation and leadership experience? You’re in luck!

This summer, REC will be filling student volunteer roles and a part-time staff role to help with their advocacy efforts at the university. These roles work closely with REC through the Representation Executive Advisory Committee (REAC) to ensure that students have a voice in matters affecting them! 

Whether you’re looking to get your foot in the door with student representation or want some flexible experience for your resume, here’s an overview REC Volunteer positions for this school year! To see the full position descriptions, visit the Representation Executive Council page.

Volunteer with your Representation Executive Council this year!
Going over the volunteering basics

Candidates for all volunteer roles must:

  • Be MRU credit students and SAMRU members (all credit students are members of SAMRU)
  • Demonstrate a strong interest in matters concerning student wellness and success at Mount Royal University 
  • Be dedicated to balancing the needs and welfare of all students
  • Be reliable and dedicated to the work
  • Be willing and able to sufficiently review meeting packages in advance and attend assigned meetings
  • Be willing to develop competency by attending assigned meetings, educational or professional development workshops and by establishing personal networks
  • Demonstrate willingness and ability to develop key skills required in this role including professionally presenting information in person and in writing, and working productively with others
  • Be willing to learn and follow best practices for conflict management, professional practices (including email etiquette), and communication and organizational skills
  • Work well with others as well as independently
General Faculties Council (GFC) Ambassador

The General Faculties Council (GFC) is the main decision making body at Mount Royal University (MRU) for academic policy and direction. GFC also has a number of subcommittees and faculty-specific committees that require student participation. The REAC Ambassador participates as part of a team to assist the Vice President Academic (VPA) SAMRU’s Representation Executive Council (REC) in representing student interests at GFC and its subcommittees regarding MRU academic programs and policies. 

Volunteer Term: September through August

Expected Commitment: Participation in all eight in-person General Faculties Council meetings. Additionally, if assigned to a sub-committee(s), you will be required to attend one meeting per month per committee. SAMRU will work with successful applicants to align academic schedules with committee meeting schedules!

As a REAC General Faculties Council Ambassador, you will serve as part of a team assisting your Vice President Academic (VPA) of SAMRU’s Representation Executive Council (REC), Fiona Chetty.

Tuition and Fees Consultation Committee (TFCC) Ambassador

Throughout every fall semester, Mount Royal University’s Tuition and Fees Consultation Committee (TFCC) meets with three students appointed by SAMRU to consult on all matters related to MRU tuition and fees. The TFCC Ambassador plays an important role in discussing and providing feedback to MRU in regard to their proposed tuition and fee levels, as well as policies, principles, and procedures with respect to credit tuition fees and other credit program fees. TFCC members are expected to attend all TFCC meetings and prepare for them by reading over all policies, procedures, and budget documents.

Volunteer Term: September through April

Expected Commitment: Participation in two to four separate meetings over the course of the fall semester.

As a REAC Tuition and Fees Consultation Committee (TFCC) Ambassador, you will serve as part of a team assisting your Vice President Academic (VPA) of SAMRU’s Representation Executive Council (REC), Fiona Chetty.

Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Ambassador

As an Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Ambassador, you will participate as a member of The President’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (EDIAC) and its working groups. EDIAC is mandated “to affirm MRU’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, to disrupt racism [and,] to advocate for systemic change at MRU and in our community”.

Volunteer Term: September through August

Expected Commitment: Participation in three Equality Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee meetings per month.

As an Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Ambassador, you will serve as part of a team assisting your Vice-President Student Affairs (VPSA) of SAMRU’s Representation Executive Council (REC), Anisa Tilston.

Indigenous Ambassador

The Indigenous Ambassador role is a part-time staff position for a credit student who self-identifies as part of the Indigenous student community to support consultation and representation efforts both internally and externally at MRU! This would require participation in federal Indigenous student advocacy through CASA’s National Indigenous Advocacy Council (NIAC) in accordance with the requirements of SAMRU and the host organization.

This position requires travel to attend two National Indigenous Advocacy Council meetings per

Year in Edmonton and Ottawa. SAMRU will cover standard conference costs.

Volunteer Term: September through April

Expected Commitment: An average of 10-25 hours a month. 

As the Indigenous Ambassador, you will serve as part of a team assisting your Vice-President External (VPX) of SAMRU’s Representation Executive Council (REC), Genri Liclican.

The application period for these positions will close on July 31, 2024, so make sure to get your resume and cover letter in for these incredible student representation opportunities! Looking for ways to flesh out your resume and cover letters ahead of your submission? Be sure to check out MRU’s Career Services tips for resume writing essentials

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to email your representatives in advance at representation@samru.ca.

For general inquiries, you can reach us at info@samru.ca.