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How to Make the Most of Your SAMRU Membership

Are you a credit student at Mount Royal? Well, congrats! You’re officially a member of the Students’ Association of Mount Royal University (SAMRU)!

However, there’s more to your membership than that sweet sense of camaraderie being amongst your peers. There are numerous perks in the palm of your hand (and around campus)! So whether you’re entering your first semester or beginning your final year, here is how to make the most out of your SAMRU membership.

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Introducing your 2023-24 REC Team!

May is here, which means your incoming Representation Executive Council (REC) team members have officially begun their terms as your representatives! SAMRU’s REC is comprised of four MRU students who were elected by MRU’s student body and hired by SAMRU’s Student Governing …

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Setting Yourself Up for Success with SAMRU

Welcome back to campus! We hope you had a restful break over the holidays. Now that school is back in session, we wanted to share a few different ways to make the most of your SAMRU membership and ensure that the new …