Representation Executive Council

The Representation Executive Council (REC) is your student voice and, under the direction of the Student Governing Board, they represent the interests of MRU students externally to the University and to the government.

Representatives are selected by the Student Governing Board, elected by their peers (who are members of the Students’ Association of Mount Royal University), and hired as full-time representatives for a year.

REC positions
REC bios
Volunteer with REC!
REC News and updates

Apply now for a REC position!

Contact your Representation Executive Council

Interested in advocacy
and representation?

Representation committee work begins in the summer prior to the fall semester. Sign up for updates on how to get involved in representation and advocacy work in the 2023-24 academic year! We'll keep in touch as new representation volunteer opportunities become available. 

Sign Up

SAMRU’s Representation Executive Council (REC)

The four students who form SAMRU’s Representation Executive Council work to advance the representation priorities approved by the Student Governing Board (the group of elected students responsible for governing the Students’ Association). REC is responsible for SAMRU’s student representation on committees and dealing with things such as tuition and academic policies, government lobbying, and external relations.

Learn more about the REC positions:

REC President
REC Vice-President Academic
REC Vice-President External
REC Vice-President Student Affairs

REC advocacy positions

For over a hundred years students have organized to effectively serve and represent the needs of their student community.

There were student leaders when Mount Royal was a high school, when it was a college, and to this day where it stands as an undergraduate university. With such a long history, it is important that students are aware of the positions that their student leaders are advocating on their behalf.  As such, the REC developed a document outlining position statements to help inform MRU students of the work they undertake on  their behalf.

To learn more about the Representation Executive Council's positions on various issues, please click on the button below.

Learn More

Tala Abu Hayyaneh

REC President

Fiona Chetty

REC VP Academic

Genri Liclican

REC VP External

Anisa Tilston

REC VP Student Affairs

Joseph Nguyen

REC President

Yasmin Ahmed

REC VP Academic


REC VP External


REC VP Student Affairs

Tera Leigh Cardinal

REC VP External

Pamela Malec

REC VP Student Affairs

Work with your elected student representatives!

Are you interested in learning about student advocacy and representation while gaining valuable volunteer experience? The SAMRU Representation Executive Council (REC) is filling student volunteer positions and a part-time staff role to support their advocacy initiatives. These roles offer a fantastic opportunity to work with your elected representatives and contribute to improving campus life.

Interested in learning more about the Representation Executive Council and current opportunities to get involved? Send us an email!

REC News & Updates

We hope the thrills and chills of the Winter Semester have treated you well! While you were hard at the grind and enjoying a well-deserved...

The calendar has officially flipped over, and we’re into the new year of 2024. But while students were writing exams, enjoying events, and even...

Your REC November Review

December 5, 2023

Hello MRU students, We hope your semester is going well, and that you are keeping up with your classwork. Throughout November, your...